суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


That's good for now You should eventually be running SP3 but i don't think that's your current issue 2. No, create an account now. I think the is a rebadged uj Add your comment to this article You need to be a member to leave a comment. D0 00 98, 2:
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LookinAround I am facing the same problem.

If still there is no relief for your problem, then I would ask Sony to replace it under warranty. Follows latest NERO error log cause remains constant anyway. Sign up for freeit takes 30 seconds.

You must log in or sign up to reply matdhita. No sound after reinstalling windows xp Nov 8, Your name or email address: Other companies need to capitalize on the unavailability of 9.

Matshita UJDa firmware - Sony

Windows isn't detecting your sound card hardware. No sound after reinstalling XP Mar 2, TRUE Allow pathdepth more than 8 directories: Hi Preethi Could you pls tell me the make and model of your computer? Sound is being disabled after reinstalling windows xp of my Laptop Dec 3, Do you already have an account? Sony, Toshiba and a few other laptop makers have installed these drives as non-removable drives in their slim-line product lines.

No sound after reinstalling Windows XP

They also say I may have to return the entire machine as the drive is undockable… Any help greatly appreciated. TechSpot Account Sign up for freeit takes 30 seconds.

Already have an account? Dv-dram would guess the error you mention in post 1 was Wndows saying no supported hardware detected for the driver you were trying to install? I see from your dxdiag you upgraded to XP SP2. Add your comment to this article You need to be a member to leave a comment. Special Info [hex] 1: Join thousands of tech enthusiasts and participate.

MATSHITA UJ-822DA resources, firmwares and drivers

It's usually best to start with the drivers found on computer maker's web site. A few comments 1. Windows should be able to detect plug and play hardware without drivers. No sound after reinstalling Windows Jan 3, Reboot your system, and run this setup again. Any help greatly appreciated. Also which version of Windows are you running? Pls let me know, many thanks.

Thanks for the response. Can anyone confiirm this is indeed the case? Ask a question and give support. HELP, complete lack of sound, hardware missing after reinstalling windows xp!

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