воскресенье, 1 марта 2020 г.


That worked OK, and I ran ndiswrapper for a while. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Just a heads up, exe are for windows, and usually we won't be installing windows drivers in Ubuntu, unless you have to use the windows driver to get your wireless internet enabled, but that's only for cards where you can't get a good Linux driver, and it's done using an interface called ndiswrapper. You run in terminal sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper sudo modprobe ndiswrapper and then the LED turns on. I used the XP drivers if I am remembering correctly.
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wireless networking - Linux driver for Linksys AE USB wifi dongle - Super User

The solution So, a search of here and Ubuntuforums yielded this link: How I fixed the problem: Newer Post Older Post Home. Click the Wireless tab, and add a connection or edit the existing one. Best distro for Linksys AE I am looking for a distro that will support a Ubunth AE wireless network adapter usb with little configuration, because I am a knob.

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May 1st, 5. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. Broadcom the company that makes the chipset is less than helpful where the "end user" is concerned.


Please visit this page to clear all LQ-related cookies. Join Date Apr Beans 1. Mint doesn't even detect USB key.

You run in terminal sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper sudo modprobe ndiswrapper and then the LED turns on. I didn't anticipate dual booting until this weekend after taking my software engineering class for a few days.

No Linux driver so I was going ae12200 go down the ndiswrapper route and then got the bug reported in Let get first why this problem existed in first place.

Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter. I am looking for a distro that will support a Linksys AE wireless network adapter usb with little ubnutu, because I am a knob.

Which distro will work with my linksys WMP54G out of the box? Post as a guest Name. So, a search of here and Ubuntuforums yielded this link: This book contains many real life examples derived from the author's experience as a Linux system and network administrator, linisys and consultant.

I will let anyone know for future reference if it works if I manage to successfully get it installed. You can potentially help others having the same problem! For more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration.

Best distro for Linksys AE

Lukashka 2 8. Thank you for the response. It said the device was working and present. However, when I tried kernel 3. Turns out it was easy.

Just to let the community know that Linksys AE is working flawlessly as in Windows.

I re-edited my post. Ubuntu Unleashed Edition. There's nothing to be done but web searches for specific devices you're interested in and seeing if people generally have success or complaints -- knowing that most people will report complaints but not that their equipment works fine. Nearly every answer involves using linkays.

Message 26 of 39 4, Views. Getting Linksys AE adapter working on Ubuntu

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